15 minutes for auto quote? 15 reasons not to trust the lizard

Tue Feb 17th, 2015 on     Bad Faith Insurance,    

We find ourselves making reference to television ads and F. Scott Fitzgerald today. The first appears in the title of the post, which, of course, refers to the Geico ads in which the adorably charming Geico Gecko cheerfully informs us that 15 minutes will save us 15 percent on our auto insurance. The second comes in the form of an observation we are certain others share: California is different from you and me … and Florida.

Not their fault? Insurer appeals $18 million bad faith verdict p4

Fri Aug 8th, 2014 on     Bad Faith Insurance,    

As we said when we started this series of posts, it is rare to find news stories about insurance bad faith cases. This case, against Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co., is remarkable because of the punitive damage award — the $18 million referred to in the headline. That is a drop in the ocean for such a big company (Nationwide reported net income of $1.35 billion for 2013), but, then, the initial claim was worth just $25,000.

Not their fault? Insurer appeals $18 million bad faith verdict

Tue Jul 29th, 2014 on     Bad Faith Insurance,    

We don’t often have the chance to discuss a bad faith lawsuit against an insurance company. The cases may settle out of court, or they may not be interesting enough to get the attention of even legal periodicals. Whatever the reason, an excellent example of bad faith crossed our desks in a case about a couple’s decades-long fight over an auto claim.

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