Diminution in Value and Securing Maximum Benefits

Fri Sep 28th, 2018 on     Property Insurance,    

If you are involved in a dispute with your insurer over benefits owed in the event that your property has diminished in value (following an accident), then you may be entitled to bring an action against the insurer to secure the desired benefits.  Effectively bringing a diminished value claim can be quite a challenge, however, given that Florida law does not allow such benefits recovery by default unless the insurance policy specifically empowers the claimant […]

Insurers May Be Liable for Inadequate Coverage Recommendations

Fri Sep 21st, 2018 on     Disability Insurance,    

In some insurance disputes — disability insurance disputes included — policyholders may be surprised to find that their coverage is actually inadequate to pay for their losses.  Insurance agents are not always scrupulous or comprehensive in explaining the terms of the policy that you purchased.  In an effort to make the sale, the insurance agent may be hesitant to explain the contours of such coverage and what benefits you are likely to obtain, and in […]

Employers Cannot Punish Employees for Exercising ERISA Rights

Fri Sep 14th, 2018 on     Insurance Claims,    

Though Florida employers are well aware of the standard discrimination and retaliation prohibitions that restrict their ability to discharge and otherwise punish employees for their actions — such as reporting discrimination in the workplace — there continues to be something of a blind spot when it comes to the exercise of ERISA-related rights. Those who exercise their ERISA-related rights may therefore find themselves subject to unexpected retaliatory action, despite the fact that it is prohibited […]

Disability Insurance: A Brief Look at Occupational Definitions

Fri Sep 7th, 2018 on     Disability Insurance,    

As a disability insurance policyholder, whether you are entitled to secure benefits for your disabling illness, injury, or other condition will depend primarily on your ability to demonstrate that your circumstances qualify you as “disabled” pursuant to the language of your insurance plan.  Insurers are incentivized to interpret plan definitions (and the severity and extent of your condition) in a manner that is unfavorable to your interests — if the insurer can plausibly deny your […]

ERISA Summary Plan Descriptions Must Be Clear

Fri Aug 31st, 2018 on     Insurance Claims,    

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) was enacted in 1974, creating a new set of standards and protections for certain covered plans (i.e., private benefit plans granted or sponsored by an employer).  Since its enactment, ERISA has further expanded those standards and protections, which include rules surrounding the Summary Plan Description (SPD). The SPD is a critical document that details the rights and obligations of the policyholder and beneficiaries pursuant to the insurance plan, […]

What Does a Vocational Expert Do?

Fri Aug 24th, 2018 on     Insurance Claims,    

Though vocational experts are perhaps more well-known for their role in Social Security disputes, they also play a critical role in private disability benefits disputes — as such, it is important to understand how to use vocational experts to your advantage (and how to undermine the testimony of opposing vocational experts) for the purpose of strengthening your benefits claim. Vocational Experts and Disability Insurance Disputes Vocational experts have a very specific role in the disability […]

How Mediation Can Help Insurers and Claimants Resolve Their Dispute

Fri Aug 17th, 2018 on     Disability Insurance,    

In Florida, and throughout the country, mediation of complex insurance disputes (whether a disability insurance dispute, health insurance dispute, or otherwise) is a common strategic option employed to resolve the conflict before litigation.  Through the mediation process, the involved parties — insurer and policyholder — can negotiate a favorable settlement that satisfies their expectations while avoiding the hassles and difficulties typically associated with insurance litigation. Litigation May Be Fraught With Difficulties Litigation can be somewhat […]

What Are Residual Disability Benefits?

Fri Aug 10th, 2018 on     Disability Insurance,    

Residual disability benefits are common, in Florida and throughout the country — whether in the form of an insurance rider on a total coverage plan, or as a standalone income replacement policy — as a means with which to ensure that the claimant can secure at least some benefits after suffering a disabling event that is not necessarily catastrophic. For example, if you are injured in a car accident, then you may suffer a disability […]

How Benefits for Psychiatric Conditions Can Be Limited

Tue Jul 31st, 2018 on     Disability Insurance,    

Disability insurance coverage can surprise many policyholders who put too much trust in their insurer to “do right” by them.  All too often, disability insurance policyholders believe that they are well-protected by their private policy, only to find that their insurer is taking steps to avoid or minimize the payout altogether. In many cases, the insurance contract itself includes language that could expose the policyholder to a dispute down the line, when they have actually […]

Adverse Benefit Determinations Under ERISA

Tue Jul 24th, 2018 on     Insurance Claims,    

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) established certain standards for qualifying plans — more specifically, for private employee benefit plans — that are intended to protect employee-claimants from abuse, mismanagement, and various other concerns commonly encountered in the insurance dispute context.  Over the years, ERISA has been expanded quite substantially.  If your insurance plan is governed by ERISA regulation, you may be entitled to notification and the opportunity to appeal an adverse decision relating […]

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